Absolutely do not read this if:
1. You aren't a advid followerer of God's word
2. You divorced your spouse over irreconcilable differences... you won't like what i have to say. I promise.
3. You are easily offended
This does not apply to women who's husband have ACTUALLY cheated on them or women in abusive relationships.
What happened to loving through the good times and bad?
You want to know why your grandparents have been married for 50 years and you can't be married for 2 yrs?? Ask them how they made it through.
IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES is hogwash. If you have divorced your spouse over irreconcilable differences, you need to learn to be a little more agreeable. YOu need to spend more time in prayer. If you were married 5 years or less.. you didn't spend ENOUGH time in prayer for your spouse.
ALSO- The bible doesn't give you free reign to divorce your spouse bc you decided you still loved your highschool sweetheart. Im so SORRY. You should have been more attentive to listening to God's voice before you got married.
Another point that is frustrating. Just because your husband has looked at porn, that is NOT A CAUSE TO DIVORCE HIM. THAT IS THE MOST RIDICULOUS THING I HAVE EVER HEARD IN MY LIFE. PRAY FOR HIM. If it was a one time thing forgive him and get over it. If it's a problem GET COUNSELLING. If he loves you and wants to be married to you... he will stop what he is doing. If he doesn't love you, then separate and wait for his butt to cheat on you... then divorce him.
JUST because he does it once does not make it ok to divorce him. Also, ladies are you with-holding from your husbands? YOU KNOW ITS BIBLICALLY WRONG TO DO THAT RIGHT??? YOU ARENT ALLOWED TO DO IT. THE BIBLE SAYS NOT TO. WHY???? Because it will drive your husband to STEP out and find it somewhere else. It doesn't matter how much he loves you. GOD DESIGNED HIM THIS WAY SO DON'T HATE HIM FOR THE WAY GOD MADE HIM. If you are with-holding because you are mad... or angry.. or just plan lazy and your husband ends up stepping out... you need only be mad at yourself.
You can say all day long.. "He is suppose to love me... no matter what... we have vows" AND YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO WITHHOLD LADY. If you want a healthy marriage, get intimate with your husband and have open communication. Sex is designed to unite you as ONE, if it is not there... YOU ARE NOT ONE.
Just bc he flirted with another ... is not a reason to get divorced. AN AFFAIR IS TO HAVE FULL BLOWN INTIMATE CONTACT WITH SOMEONE OTHER THAN YOUR SPOUSE. If this has not occurred you have no grounds to get divorced. So go back to the drawing board and figure out how to fix your situation instead of just DIVORCING your spouse bc you don't want to DEAL WITH IT.
I am so angry. In the last month, over 6 of my "couple" friends are divorced. Why? Because they are selfish brats.
"HE won't do this" "She won't do that"... WAHHH WAHH WAHH!!! You guys sound like a bunch of babies. GROW UP and be an Adult. Stop watching Soap Operas BECAUSE THIS IS THE REAL WORLD. Marriage is not like you see on the movies. It is not always cookies and cream. YES you wake up some mornings WONDERING WHY in the world you married your spouse and question if you love them. YOU KNOW how to fix that? Start spending time together again. REMEMBER why you fell inlove. Find a common ground. NO YOUR SPOUSE isn't perfect. You should've known that before you got married otherwise, you don't deserve to be married bc you will do this again in your next marriage.
I'm sick of all the pathetic reasons you guys aren't married and it's sad as well as disheartening. You won't get pity from me.
DIVORCE is not even in my vocabulary. If my husband steps out... he will be sorry. I will lock his butt up in a crazy house and have him doused with meds before I decide to divorce him. HOWEVER, I want to live my life KNOWING that even though I knew he did the ultimate worst thing EVER, I could forgive and still love.
THAT is a true heart like God's. If you can't find room in your heart to still love your spouse, you can't even say you love God. I don't believe it. YOU CANT TELL ME YOU DO. The bible says if you hate your brother, you don't love God. Can't argue with the word can you?
I'm so ticked.
This is all for now.
Good night.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
100 reasons why my husband is awesome! :)

Bradley, I love ya! :)
1. You love God
2. You are faithful to Him
3. You are faithful to me
4. You are diligently seeking and actively trying to live a life that God has
called you to.
5. You have Brown hair
6. You have Blue eyes
7. You snore so loud that you wake yourself up
8. You always make me laugh
9. You play the piano
10. You can sing beautifully
11. You play guitar, drums, and Super Mario Bros.
12. You pretended to be an expert at guitar hero on our first date ( you couldn’t
even pass the beginner stage)
13. You are unexpected
14. You are unpredictable
15. You = Me
16. You love me
17. You treat me with respect
18. You rub my feet
19. You are willing to be as spontaneous as I am
20. You aren’t afraid of Change
21. You will laugh at some of my jokes ( not all )
22. You will do almost anything I ask
23. You are caring
24. You are thoughtful
25. You are a “Jack of All Trades”
26. You are Pro-Gun
27. If you could own every gun in the world, you would have 3 of everything.
28. You aren’t as tough as people think
29. You are the hardest working man I know
30. You would go broke trying to make me happy
31. You love my family
32. You love your family
33. You want to have a family
34. You love kids
35. You are a kid (sometimes)
36. You do the dishes
37. You do the laundry
38. You know how to vacuum
39. You know how to make our bed the way I do!
40. You take corrective criticism very well
41. You are always trying to improve yourself
42. You care what I think
43. You give merit to my opinions and feelings
44. You treat me like what I am, your equal.
45. You always have a solution for things
46. You actively seek advice on things
47. You aren’t a know it all
48. You realize that I am a know it all
49. You know that I will always KNOW IT ALL!
50. You are protective of me
51. You know how to do almost anything to a car.
52. You are a country boy with Class.
53. You are part of the Herring heritage
54. You will always do what it takes. No matter what situation or the obstacles.
55. You make me dinner when I don’t feel like cooking
56. You know how to make me feel special.
57. You don’t command. You ask politely.
58. You like to experiment with your hair!
59. You wear anything that I say I like
60. You are affectionate
61. You are loving
62. You are my best friend
63. You are giving of yourself and time for others (excluding family & friends)
64. You aren’t perfect, but you are in constant effort to be.
65. You love Asian food so much I believe you are half Asian.
66. You make the best Sesame Chicken
67. You always do the yard work so I won’t have to.
68. You always take out the trash so I won’t have to do that either.
69. You are willing to do or help in anything God wants for you to.
70. You drive a little dinky V4 truck that you try to race like a V8.
71. You like to golf
72. You like the Phillies
73. You put up with the Titans
74. You do things without me asking
75. You put up with my ever changing hormones and love me anyway
76. You are there for me when I need you
77. You know how to communicate
78. You don't yell
79. You are easy going
80. You don't require constant entertainment
81. You don’t like to be without me
82. You are strong
83. You are brave
84. You always buy me my favorite desserts
85. You have great taste (for a guy!)
86. You always let me win
87. You put God first
88. You put me next
89. You take up for me
90. You are always trying to make me happy
91. You like to drive EVERYWHERE
92. You like to do nothing with me
93. The way you smile
94. You are luminescent
95. You make funny voices
96. You are a goofball
97. You have nice hands
98. You love living life to the fullest
99. You are the best husband a girl could ever ask for!
100.You are mine!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Just trying to grasp a few things
I go to church with no purpose. Does that make sense at all? Sure I sing, I help with music, sunday school, etc. But, I absolutely go to church with no purpose. I am selfishly going through my life thinking about what will make me happy. How can I change the world if I can't even change myself? It's sad and disheartening to come to a self realization. It feels like an epic failure. I think about people who require so little to live their life and make it through hard times... they are soo happy. Where I am... the smallest amount of stress requires anti-depressants and massage therapy twice a week. How weak and pathetic? How materialistic have I become.
I watched a few video logs on you tube about the United Pentecostal Church. What have we come to? Why have we gotten away from the true reason we even have church? Why have I? I'm not satisfied with church "in a building". I want to have church outside of the building. How can I make this happen? How can I be more? I hate that I have allowed myself to be happy with life in mediocrity.
I'm craving something more than what I already have. Deeper.
I am no longer happy with who I am or what I am.
I no longer want to group myself with stereotypical pentecostals. I have no desire to even want to be part of anything other than the body of Christ.
Who am I to say who has a walk with God or what religion is the right one? God is the ultimate judge and I love Him. I want to prove myself to Him more than I ever have. I want to be pleasing. I want to do what is most pleasing in His sight.
I do not care what the church or the world says about me. As long as I am in heaven.
That is it.
I watched a few video logs on you tube about the United Pentecostal Church. What have we come to? Why have we gotten away from the true reason we even have church? Why have I? I'm not satisfied with church "in a building". I want to have church outside of the building. How can I make this happen? How can I be more? I hate that I have allowed myself to be happy with life in mediocrity.
I'm craving something more than what I already have. Deeper.
I am no longer happy with who I am or what I am.
I no longer want to group myself with stereotypical pentecostals. I have no desire to even want to be part of anything other than the body of Christ.
Who am I to say who has a walk with God or what religion is the right one? God is the ultimate judge and I love Him. I want to prove myself to Him more than I ever have. I want to be pleasing. I want to do what is most pleasing in His sight.
I do not care what the church or the world says about me. As long as I am in heaven.
That is it.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
How To Deal...
How To Deal With:
1. Coworkers who are jealous of you
Answer: Compliments. Who doesn't enjoy them? Kill them with kindness. Find a common ground. If that don't work..... Pray they get fired.
2. Nosey Church People
Answer: Just start telling them all of your business. It will definitely help them not go to hell over lies and gossip.
3. Unappreciative Friends
Answer: Stop doing things for them. Then they can quit being unappreciative.
4. Road Rage Drivers
Answer: Let them pass you and as they are passing you make huge gestures as if you were to say "WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU THINKING" but instead shout "I AM AN ANGRY CRAZY MONKEY DRIVER!!" If you get into a Road War... just remember this isn't bumper cars. You will get hurt.
5. Needy Ex Boyfriends/Girlfriends
Answer: Tell them you want to see them. Set up a place to meet out in the middle of nowhere. No cell reception. No life forms. Before the scheduled meet... text them saying, "running a little late" then back out at the last second and accidentally forget to mention it to them. Have your number changed AND MOVE ON!
6. Weird Stalkers
Answer: Talk to them. Tell them you are interested in getting to know them more. Then follow them home. Watch their every move. Write in huge letters on their car "I'm watching you". It will totally freak your stalker out... why you ask? BECAUSE the stalker has just become the stalk-ee!
7. Bossy Bosses
Answer: This really depends if you want to keep your job. A bad way to respond to your boss being bossy is to order pizzas for the whole office in your boss's name - if at all possible use his Credit Card. Buy him a pregnant pet roach and one day after the babies are born accidentally leave the cage door open. These are just a few ways to make him see his unfairness. He should be getting the message.
Now a good way to handle a bossy boss is to go to them and let them know how overwhelmed you are feeling by all of the requests/rules/etc. Ask for some help. If they refuse, demand help. If they keep refusing, let them know you'll be filing a complaint with human resources and the labor board. THEN tell them you are going to call their boss. (if they are the owner you can call the better business bureau). HOPEFULLY your boss will comply with the first request to make your life better. :) :) :)
8. Unruly Children
Answer: If your child acts out simply put him in a dog kennel with a blanket over it so he can't see the entertainment outside his cage. If he acts up kick the cage saying, "SHUT UP!!!" If he continues... put him in the garage, turn up the t.v. and take a nice nap.
9. With your boss scheduling you on days that you don't want to work
Answer: Simple --- show up on the days you want to work. Easy as pie!
10. With clothes that are getting too small for you
Answer: Lose weight or stretch your clothes out really far. If you accidentally rip one just grab some extra material and safety pins. It will look punk-rocker-ish.
11. Husband/Wives who wont clean up/pick up after themselves
Answer: Tell them quietly in their sleep that tomorrow is "everything on the floor is trash" day... so they should be sure to pick up all their things they want to keep. So when you wake up the next day.... everything on the floor goes in the trash. Eventually if you do this enough they wont have anything else to leave hanging around your home. PROBLEM SOLVED!
12. Sleepless Nights
Answer: Drink lots and lots of alch.....err NIGHTQUIL! :) If that don't work take several narcotics and a few melatonin. However, I would call the ambulance before you actually fall asleep seeing as you may not wake up.
13. Telemarketers
Answer: When they call... try to sell them some of your old underwear.
Example: Them: "Hi, Mrs. Herring are currently a homeowner?"
You: "You know what I own? This pair of gap underwear the really need a new home. It's a sad day in the world when people no longer need undies. This particular pair of underwear actually allows you to do things no one else can do. Want to know what that is?"
Them: "Mrs. Herring I would like to talk to you about your homeowners insurance?"
You: "Insurance!!? You are trying to sell me insurance?"
Them: "Yes Mrs. Herring... now.... (interrupted)"
You: "How bad do you want this sale?"
Them: "I need to feed my family"
You: "Pretty compelling argument... buy my old undies and you won't have to work another day in your life."
Them: "Really?"
You: "Yes... So $8.95 plus shipping??"
Them: "Do you take AMEX?"
1. Coworkers who are jealous of you
Answer: Compliments. Who doesn't enjoy them? Kill them with kindness. Find a common ground. If that don't work..... Pray they get fired.
2. Nosey Church People
Answer: Just start telling them all of your business. It will definitely help them not go to hell over lies and gossip.
3. Unappreciative Friends
Answer: Stop doing things for them. Then they can quit being unappreciative.
4. Road Rage Drivers
Answer: Let them pass you and as they are passing you make huge gestures as if you were to say "WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU THINKING" but instead shout "I AM AN ANGRY CRAZY MONKEY DRIVER!!" If you get into a Road War... just remember this isn't bumper cars. You will get hurt.
5. Needy Ex Boyfriends/Girlfriends
Answer: Tell them you want to see them. Set up a place to meet out in the middle of nowhere. No cell reception. No life forms. Before the scheduled meet... text them saying, "running a little late" then back out at the last second and accidentally forget to mention it to them. Have your number changed AND MOVE ON!
6. Weird Stalkers
Answer: Talk to them. Tell them you are interested in getting to know them more. Then follow them home. Watch their every move. Write in huge letters on their car "I'm watching you". It will totally freak your stalker out... why you ask? BECAUSE the stalker has just become the stalk-ee!
7. Bossy Bosses
Answer: This really depends if you want to keep your job. A bad way to respond to your boss being bossy is to order pizzas for the whole office in your boss's name - if at all possible use his Credit Card. Buy him a pregnant pet roach and one day after the babies are born accidentally leave the cage door open. These are just a few ways to make him see his unfairness. He should be getting the message.
Now a good way to handle a bossy boss is to go to them and let them know how overwhelmed you are feeling by all of the requests/rules/etc. Ask for some help. If they refuse, demand help. If they keep refusing, let them know you'll be filing a complaint with human resources and the labor board. THEN tell them you are going to call their boss. (if they are the owner you can call the better business bureau). HOPEFULLY your boss will comply with the first request to make your life better. :) :) :)
8. Unruly Children
Answer: If your child acts out simply put him in a dog kennel with a blanket over it so he can't see the entertainment outside his cage. If he acts up kick the cage saying, "SHUT UP!!!" If he continues... put him in the garage, turn up the t.v. and take a nice nap.
9. With your boss scheduling you on days that you don't want to work
Answer: Simple --- show up on the days you want to work. Easy as pie!
10. With clothes that are getting too small for you
Answer: Lose weight or stretch your clothes out really far. If you accidentally rip one just grab some extra material and safety pins. It will look punk-rocker-ish.
11. Husband/Wives who wont clean up/pick up after themselves
Answer: Tell them quietly in their sleep that tomorrow is "everything on the floor is trash" day... so they should be sure to pick up all their things they want to keep. So when you wake up the next day.... everything on the floor goes in the trash. Eventually if you do this enough they wont have anything else to leave hanging around your home. PROBLEM SOLVED!
12. Sleepless Nights
Answer: Drink lots and lots of alch.....err NIGHTQUIL! :) If that don't work take several narcotics and a few melatonin. However, I would call the ambulance before you actually fall asleep seeing as you may not wake up.
13. Telemarketers
Answer: When they call... try to sell them some of your old underwear.
Example: Them: "Hi, Mrs. Herring are currently a homeowner?"
You: "You know what I own? This pair of gap underwear the really need a new home. It's a sad day in the world when people no longer need undies. This particular pair of underwear actually allows you to do things no one else can do. Want to know what that is?"
Them: "Mrs. Herring I would like to talk to you about your homeowners insurance?"
You: "Insurance!!? You are trying to sell me insurance?"
Them: "Yes Mrs. Herring... now.... (interrupted)"
You: "How bad do you want this sale?"
Them: "I need to feed my family"
You: "Pretty compelling argument... buy my old undies and you won't have to work another day in your life."
Them: "Really?"
You: "Yes... So $8.95 plus shipping??"
Them: "Do you take AMEX?"
Monday, July 26, 2010
My Bucket List

My Bucket List... Things I want to do before I die.
1. Help 100 people (or more) pray through to receive the holy ghost for the first time.
2. To be bilingual in atleast 5 languages (Russian, French, Spanish, Sign, & Norwegian)
3. Have atleast 4 children.
4. Sky Dive
5. Visit these countries (Africa, Norway, Jordan, Russia, Surbia, Thailand, Ireland, and Greece)
6. Fast for 30 days consecutively. (No food)
7. Finish my degree
8. Learn the violin
9. Build my own home.
10. Learn to sew dresses ( by patterns )
11. Be successful at something great
12. Memorize the whole bible
13. Learn to love myself (Fat rolls included)
14. Get my private pilot's license.
15. Acquire a sailboat
16. Sail my boat from Florida to Prince Edward Island
17. Build a home next to mine for Moms with no place to go and their children. I think I will call it "M.I.N.D."
18. Figure out a good acronym for "M.I.N.D."
20. Finally figure out how to play songs by sheet music/notes. I'd like to learn a few classical pieces.
21. Do what I say I'm going to do, when I say I'm going to do it.
22. Change someone's life forever (family & spouse not included)
23. Read Hebrew and Greek history books. As well, go through a few more Jewish History.
24. To go one day without sinning. To be perfect for one day. (geez.. I better start working on this now... lol)
25. To hear God's voice
26. To be everything my husband needs me to be for him
27. Say nothing but positive things for 30 days. (Trying to start this one now)
28. Throw away old clothes and bring in the new
29. To go a whole week without totally making my room look like a clothes disaster area! lol..
30.... I will add more to this when I can the chance! For now this is it.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Lately, I've been trying to search my heart and find a place where I feel like I "belong". It just seems like my heart is somewhere but my body is elsewhere. I have been questioning my mind so much with thoughts like, "Do I really belong here? Is this really what God has for me?". I keep wanting to throw my roots down... but something keeps me from doing so.
While thinking about this tonight... a thought suddenly came to mind. "This world is not my home. I'm just passing through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue. The angels beckon me... to heaven's open door. Lord, I can't feel at home in this world anymore." I think that's my problem. Constantly trying to "feel at home" somewhere. All I have to work on now is wanting to "commit" somewhere without feeling like I don't belong there. I want to do a work for God and I want my heart to be in it. Although... I'm having a problem with putting my "heart" into it if I feel like I don't belong.
Any suggestions? I've never really dealt with this before.
While thinking about this tonight... a thought suddenly came to mind. "This world is not my home. I'm just passing through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue. The angels beckon me... to heaven's open door. Lord, I can't feel at home in this world anymore." I think that's my problem. Constantly trying to "feel at home" somewhere. All I have to work on now is wanting to "commit" somewhere without feeling like I don't belong there. I want to do a work for God and I want my heart to be in it. Although... I'm having a problem with putting my "heart" into it if I feel like I don't belong.
Any suggestions? I've never really dealt with this before.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Conformed or Transformed?
Once again... another issue I see happening.
So many people today claim to have a God in their lives... yet we aren't changed PERMANATELY. How can you say that you live for God... but continue to live as the world lives? Dress as the world dresses? Talk like the world talks? If it is OF THE WORLD it is NOT OF GOD.
Romans 12:2 (KJV) ~ And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
conformed means 1. to give the same shape, outline, or contour to : bring into harmony or accord. 2. to be similar or identical; also : to be in agreement or harmony
transformed means 1 a : to change in composition or structure b :to change the outward form or appearance of c : to change in character or condition : convert
A Southern Baptist preacher named Paul Washer had an incredible message for this. I heard this message about 3 years ago. It still impacts me. In his message he states this,: (@ minute 30:47 on the video)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cncEhCvrVgQ
**Preaching at a youth convention***
Bro. Paul: "Let's imagine that I show up late and run up here on the platform. The elders angry at me say,'Bro. Paul don't you appreciate the fact that you are given the opportunity to speak here and you come late?' I say, 'Brothers, you have to forgive me.' Well, Why? 'Well I was out here on the highway, driving, and had a flat tire. I got out to change the tire. While changing the tire the lug nut fell off. I wasn't paying attention that I was on the highway and I ran out; grabbed the lug nut. As I stood up I saw a logging truck going 130 mph about 10 yards in front of me. It ran me over. That's why I am late."
(continuing)"Now, there are only two logical conclusions. Either, I am lying or I am a mad man. Why is that? Because, it is impossible to have an encounter with something as large as a logging truck and not be changed. My question to you is... what is larger... a logging truck... or God?"
Wow... How can we say we've been transformed when our entire COMPOSITION hasn't been changed? When everything about us isn't totally different? The things you did before God changed you are not the things you are going to continue to do after. The things you wore before God are not the things you will continue to wear. The communication you had before God will not be the way you communicate after.
Having God in your life... is a total reformation of everything. You are different. You talk different. You look different.
Now... time to evaluate. Have you conformed or are you transformed?
So many people today claim to have a God in their lives... yet we aren't changed PERMANATELY. How can you say that you live for God... but continue to live as the world lives? Dress as the world dresses? Talk like the world talks? If it is OF THE WORLD it is NOT OF GOD.
Romans 12:2 (KJV) ~ And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
conformed means 1. to give the same shape, outline, or contour to : bring into harmony or accord. 2. to be similar or identical; also : to be in agreement or harmony
transformed means 1 a : to change in composition or structure b :to change the outward form or appearance of c : to change in character or condition : convert
A Southern Baptist preacher named Paul Washer had an incredible message for this. I heard this message about 3 years ago. It still impacts me. In his message he states this,: (@ minute 30:47 on the video)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cncEhCvrVgQ
**Preaching at a youth convention***
Bro. Paul: "Let's imagine that I show up late and run up here on the platform. The elders angry at me say,'Bro. Paul don't you appreciate the fact that you are given the opportunity to speak here and you come late?' I say, 'Brothers, you have to forgive me.' Well, Why? 'Well I was out here on the highway, driving, and had a flat tire. I got out to change the tire. While changing the tire the lug nut fell off. I wasn't paying attention that I was on the highway and I ran out; grabbed the lug nut. As I stood up I saw a logging truck going 130 mph about 10 yards in front of me. It ran me over. That's why I am late."
(continuing)"Now, there are only two logical conclusions. Either, I am lying or I am a mad man. Why is that? Because, it is impossible to have an encounter with something as large as a logging truck and not be changed. My question to you is... what is larger... a logging truck... or God?"
Wow... How can we say we've been transformed when our entire COMPOSITION hasn't been changed? When everything about us isn't totally different? The things you did before God changed you are not the things you are going to continue to do after. The things you wore before God are not the things you will continue to wear. The communication you had before God will not be the way you communicate after.
Having God in your life... is a total reformation of everything. You are different. You talk different. You look different.
Now... time to evaluate. Have you conformed or are you transformed?
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